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Welcome, and thank you for visiting the West Contra Costa County  Baha'i Community online. We hope that our website highlights the variety of devotional, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about the Baha'i Faith in West Contra Costa County, or contact us so that we might meet and fellowship.  We would love to meet you and share with you our love of God; and to share our love of you, our neighbor.





Our Mission


""The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."


The central theme of the Baha'i Faith is that no matter the ethnic group, race, creed, gender or color, God created only one human family; and that the time has come for the unification of our family into one global society. 

Baha'i Spiritual Concepts


  • Eequality of women and men

  • The elimination of prejudice of all kinds

  • Spiritual solutions to economic problems

  • The abolition of extremes of poverty and wealth

  • The establishment of a world commonwealth of nations

  • Recognition of the common origin and fundamental unity of purpose of all religions

  • The harmony of science and religion as two complementary systems of knowledge and practice

  • The adoption of a world auxiliary language, as well as a universal script, currency, and system of weights and measures

  • The education of all children

To learn more about the Baha'i Faith, please click on the following link.


Founders & History 


Bahá'u'lláh announced in 1863 that He was God's Messenger for this age. His teachings and sacred writings are the basis of the Bahá'í Faith.


Bahá'u'lláh claimed that His Divine Mission is to bring about the spiritual rebirth and the unity of mankind. He promised that this would lead to the establishment of permanent world peace and to the Kingdom of God on Earth. Bahá'u'lláh has attracted millions of adherents from every part of the globe; He has provided laws and teachings on how to realize His vision; and His followers are laboring everywhere to bring it about.


Bahá'u'lláh proclaimed that God, our loving Creator, sends Divine Messengers, known as Manifestations of God, with teachings that enable humanity to know and to worship God. These great Manifestations, which have appeared throughout history at intervals of about 500 to 1,000 years, bring human civilization to ever higher levels of spiritual and material advancement.


Bahá'u'lláh is the latest in this long line of Divine Messengers, which has included Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster and the Bab.


Bahá'ís Practice
  • The independent investigation of truth

  • Daily prayer and communion with God

  • A life dedicated to the service of humanity

  • Fellowship with the followers of all religions

  • Trustworthiness

  • Chastity

  • Honesty

  • Avoidance of materialism

  • Avoidance of partisan politics

  • Avoidance of backbiting

  • Abstaining from alcohol

  • Abstaining from drugs

  • Obseervance of Feasts & Holy Days



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